CR7's thoughts on women's football: "They have stopped hitting the crossbar, now they score goals"

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Cristiano Ronaldo expressed his "immense pride" in the development of women's football in his native Portugal, which, in his opinion, "has stopped hitting the crossbar" to now "score goals and delight girls all over the country".

10 months ago
Cristiano Ronaldo, the greatest Portuguese football figure of all time, left a message that was read out at the 'Champions Gala', an awards ceremony dedicated to women's football and futsal that took place on Monday night on the outskirts of Lisbon, "the first of many celebrations that extol, reward, distinguish and eternalise football played by women".
In his text, the former Madrid striker highlighted the evolution of women's football, "a worthy, proudly solid and emotionally serious cause".
"Only now, in the third decade of the 21st century, has women's football stopped hitting the crossbar. Because today this football scores goals, delights girls all over the country and says to them without fear: Come and play! To get to this point, "it has taken a lot of balls from a lot of girls and women hitting the crossbar and all knowing that one day the goal would say "Yes"!
The captain of the Portuguese national team also called for "more and more recognition" for this cause, that "all of us fight for it", and "that we do it every day". He called for "more fields for them, they need them" and "better schedules, because their parents deserve them".
Cristiano Ronaldo ended with an appeal: "It is with immense pride that I embrace you today and with even greater energy that I follow you every day and call you all to the greatest mission in history: Come and play!
