"I wasn't ready to leave Barcelona"

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Striker Leo Messi spoke to the 'Big Time' podcast and revealed that he was not ready to leave Barcelona. "Everything happened very quickly, I had to rebuild my life from one day to the next. It was a change I wasn't looking for and it was hard at first," he recalled.

5 months ago
On 5 August 2021, Barcelona announced that Leo Messi was leaving the club of his life. "It was difficult to change when I left for PSG, because I was doing very well at Barcelona and I was thinking of staying there," he told the podcast 'Big Time'.
"I wasn't ready to leave, it all happened so fast. I had to rebuild my life from one day to the next. I got to know another league, another club, a new dressing room. It was a change we weren't looking for and that's why it was hard at first," he admitted.
On his retirement, the No.10 has not set a date for himself: "I know that the moment I feel that I am no longer ready to perform, that I no longer enjoy myself or help my teammates, I will quit. I'm very self-critical of myself, I know when I'm good, when I'm bad, when I'm playing well and when I'm playing badly. When I feel it's time to take that step, I'll take it without thinking about my age.
"If I feel good, I will try to keep competing because that's what I like and what I know how to do. I haven't thought yet about what I'm going to do when I retire, I just try to enjoy the day to day, the moments, without thinking about the future," he said of the future once he hangs up his boots.
"I don't have anything clear yet, I hope to continue playing for a while longer, which is what I like. When the time comes I will surely find my way to what fulfils me and what I like and a new role.
Messi went on to add: "On a sporting level, I was lucky enough to be able to achieve all my dreams and the truth is that I can't ask for more. Thanks to God, who gave me so much on a professional and human level, as well as with my family, my friends. I try to enjoy everything God has given me so far, which is a lot."
