La Liga implements racist incident gesture

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La Liga and the RFEF have confirmed that, following FIFA's agenda, they are implementing the "racist incident gesture" from now on. The referee will have to temporarily stop the match so that a warning is launched on the public address system.

5 days ago
La Liga and the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) will incorporate the racist incident gesture approved at the last FIFA congress in Bangkog into the action protocol on public incidents.
Both institutions, as reported in separate statements, assure that they "remain firm in their commitment to fight against any discrimination in the field of football and, especially, against racist attitudes and behaviour, they will implement, in all their competitions, this gesture of a global and unequivocal nature".
The main referee of each match will be able to activate a signal with the gesture of crossing his arms with his hands at his shoulders "if he personally observes racist behaviour or if he receives information from a footballer or the security coordinator of the state security forces and bodies of a discriminatory attitude".
"The protocol of actions against racism, xenophobia and intolerance in football, which has been in place since 2005, is reinforced with this latest specific gesture for cases of racism and is another step in the fight against racism, which goes from regulations and sanctions to awareness and education to fight against any type of discrimination," the two organisations point out.
