Mourinho gives up on big leagues, closer to Fenerbahce

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According to reports in Turkey, Jose Mourinho has reached a verbal agreement with Fenerbahce to sign a contract until 2026 with an option for a further season. The Portuguese coach leaves the big leagues after joining them in 2004 from Chelsea after winning the Champions League with Porto.

1 month ago
Fenerbahce have finished the season with an insufficient second place even though they fought for the league title until their last game. As a result, the board has reached a verbal agreement with Jose Mourinho to sign him for two seasons with an option for a third.
This is the return of a Portuguese coach to the bench after Jorge Jesus' spell at the helm in the 2022/23 season.
Several media outlets have confirmed the agreement with the former Roma boss, who had said he wanted to stay in the big leagues. He joined them in 2004 from Chelsea after winning the Champions League with Porto.
Since then, he has had spells in charge of Inter Milan, Real Madrid, Chelsea - a second time, Manchester United, Tottenham Hotspur and Roma, where he was in charge for 138 games and laid the foundations of a project that he seemed to want to build for the long term.
