"Salah's departure would be a catastrophe"

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Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp fears a Saudi Arabian side could snap up Mohamed Salah once the European market is closed, after 1st September.

1 year ago
Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp labelled a possible departure of Mohamed Salah from the club a "catastrophe", especially if it happens after the transfer window is over.
In recent weeks there have been rumours of a possible bid from Saudi Arabia for Salah, something that has been denied by both the player's agent, citing the Egyptian's renewal last summer, and Klopp himself.
"Mo is a very experienced player who is committed to being here, to being at this club," Klopp said in an interview with 'Sky Sports' ahead of Sunday's game against Newcastle United.
The Premier League market closes on 1st September, but in Saudi Arabia it will remain open for another 20 days, which has provoked fears among English clubs and the rest of the leagues, who know that the Saudi sides can come in with unimpressive offers when there is no longer any room for reaction.
"When we can't react, it's a catastrophe, that's the truth. That's why I asked, several weeks ago, for the authorities to look into this, because they can come and take the players away," said the German.
