Villarreal fans assaulted after the derby with Valencia

After the regional derby between Villarreal and Valencia (1-1), two fans of the home team were attacked by hooded men and had to be hospitalised, albeit with minor injuries, after reporting the incident to the police.
3 weeks ago
Two Villarreal fans were taken to the Hospital de la Plana on Saturday night after being assaulted by hooded men at the end of the regional duel with Valencia at La Cerámica.
Sources from the Castellon club said that their condition is minor after an aggression that took place near the Panderola park, close to the Groguet stadium.
According to them, a group of hooded men dressed in black allegedly surprised and beat them and fled when they saw other fans approaching to help them.
After the police and medical services arrived on the scene, they were taken to hospital, one of them with a heavy blow to the mouth which caused him to bleed profusely and the second with an anxiety attack.
Around 600 Valencia fans attended this Saturday's regional duel and before and after the match groups of supporters exchanged hurtful chants and insults.
Sources from the Castellon club said that their condition is minor after an aggression that took place near the Panderola park, close to the Groguet stadium.
According to them, a group of hooded men dressed in black allegedly surprised and beat them and fled when they saw other fans approaching to help them.
After the police and medical services arrived on the scene, they were taken to hospital, one of them with a heavy blow to the mouth which caused him to bleed profusely and the second with an anxiety attack.
Around 600 Valencia fans attended this Saturday's regional duel and before and after the match groups of supporters exchanged hurtful chants and insults.